Do you have enough safe food and water in case of a disaster or emergency? Having at least a 3-day food supply is essential for you and your family. But, how much is enough food? Which kind of foods should you stock up on? How do you store water to keep it safe? It is not so easy to figure it all out.

In this page we will help prepare with what you need. We will also share the products we love to make it even easier for you to be ready, for whatever may come.

Check out our favorite Food and water products by brand

Making sure that your family is ready for a natural disaster or an emergency means having enough food and water to cover your needs for at least 3 days. The kind of food to stock up depends on:

  • What kind of emergency you are likely to face. Do you live in an earthquake prone zone? Are there frequent snow storms in your area? 
  • If you have to evacuate, can you take your stash with you? Is it too heavy/bulky?
  • Do you have enough food for each member of the family? For example, children have different requirements than adults.

Find our latest food and water reviews here

Do you have specific preferences or nutritional needs? Are you looking to stock up on food that you can also use to go camping? Or, are you preparing for an emergency on a tight budget? No worries, we at PrepPatriot rigorously test a variety of products to make sure everyone finds what they need to stay ready for whatever life throws their way. 


Breakfast Food

Camping Friendly

Budget Friendly
